Friday, 17 August 2012

Swordfish fishing- Reel in the big ones!

Swordfish is one of the most popular fish species when it comes to game fishing. Swordfish can be found in most of the planet's seas.
Swordfish fishing is a form of recreational fishing. Swordfish are powerful fighters when harpooned. It is considered to be a great catch on fishing expeditions.

There are many methods for fishing of swordfish, the most common one being deep sea fishing.
Swordfish fishing requires a specialized, strengthened fishing rod as the swordfish are large with most of them being up to 3m in length and can reach up to 600 kg in weight.

The reason for the popularity in Tarpon fishing is because you have to go out into the deep sea on a fishing charter to have hopes of hooking them. They put up a battle and you will need expert guidance when pulling in a swordfish. But the elation you feel on hooking in such a catch will be worth all the time and efforts!

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